One event that I remember very fondly took place in Hamburg last winter. There, s.Oliver invited an exclusive group of press representatives to a press dinner to present its new collection.
The central venue for the dinner was a beautiful old room in a Hamburg villa, where a large table was set.

Press Dinner s.Oliver with portraits


Illustrator in secret mission

My mission that evening was to create portrait illustrations of all the guests present WITHOUT them noticing. During the presentation of the new collection, photos were secretly taken of everyone present, which I was able to work with in an adjoining room.
I created very minimalist portraits in ink and watercolor, focusing on the essential features of each person. Each portrait was made on my favorite format in DinA5 and placed in an elegantly branded folder with colorless s.Oliver embossed print.

Portrait illustrations of fashion editors

Portrait illustrations as special surprise

After the dinner, I presented each guest with their personal portrait. For me, it was a special moment with a lot of appreciation for my illustrations. The reaction of the recipients was priceless and also brought me a lot of joy.

If you are looking for a partner in crime for a similar clandestine (or non-clandestine) operation, please contact me!